Side-scrolling Shoot 'em Up Alien Cruise Will Hit Xbox One on March 27
来源: | 作者: sss | 发布时间 :2019-03-27 | 1559 次浏览: | 分享到:

Alien Cruise, a side-scrolling shoot 'em up from Cotton Game, the developers of Mr. Pumpkin Adventure and Little Triangle, will be available for $10.99 on Xbox One consoles via E-Home Entertainment.

Alien Cruise is an independent side scroller shooting game. Its background is set at the foreseeable future, when protagonist is facing a survival crisis due to deterioration of the Earth’s natural environment. At this point, some scientists detect the existence of other planets outside their own galaxy with other types of life on them, which are very likely to be suitable for human beings. They therefore trained a group of elite space astronauts to look for chances of extending life in the outer space and save their home.

These well-trained space warriors need to drive spacecrafts to explore and find a planet suitable for human life. In the unknown space, unprecedented great challenges awaits them.

Alien Cruise is available for Digital Pre-order and Pre-download on March 12. Buy it now and save 15%!