Beholder is coming back 2 Xbox One
来源: | 作者: sss | 发布时间 :2020-04-09 | 1313 次浏览: | 分享到:

Attention fellow citizens! Beholder 2 is coming back to Xbox One and will be available for $14.99 USD on April 9, 2020!

As the sequel to Beholder, a wonderful tactical strategy game and totalitarian simulator, Beholder 2 is still set in a dystopian future yet with a totally different story. Instead of playing as the previous protagonist, Carl the Landlord - you are now Evan Redgrave: a low-level Ministry worker whose father, the head of the mythic Department 6, committed suicide while working at the Ministry. To unravel the mystery of your father’s death, you must move up through the ranks of the Ministry. How? It’s all up to you.

To climb your way up to the top of the Ministry, you’ll need to work hard. But how will you eliminate all your competitors? You can choose to either help your colleagues to overthrow this dark totalitarian state and ensure they give up their current position on good terms, or you can ruthlessly tear down everyone in your path, framing and manipulating people into an early retirement or even an untimely death. Once you make it top of the Ministry, you will learn the truth of your father’s death and find out about shocking government secrets.

Besides your career goals, various side tasks must be completed based on your choices. You can choose to help coworkers on their quests, humiliate others at the request of another, or find victims suitable for the baleful needs of the men in charge. Completing these tasks will also help you make money and gain reputation, both necessary for your path to promotion.

Make tough choices, take the responsibility, be rewarded, and find out the truth. Your different decisions will lead to different endings. The fate of the country is now in your hands, as well as the fate of Evan Redgrave. To find the truth, be sure to check out the Microsoft Store on April 9, 2020 when Beholder 2 launches.