Try your luck in Richman 10, a classic Asian monopoly game
来源: | 作者: sss | 发布时间 :2022-08-25 | 698 次浏览: | 分享到:

Attention all monopoly fans, Richman 10  is now available on Xbox and Microsoft Store!

Richman 10 is a classic Asian monopoly game in which players can win through luck (rolling dice) and strategy (buying property and drawing function cards). The unique 3D art style also features cute Asian-inspired cartoons. There are three game modes offered: story, multiplayer and online PVP, as well other card-playing features that speed up the pace of the game. The story mode is suitable for young and old players, with a heart-warming plot about friendship and justice.

All players start off with a certain amount of cash and function cards. Each person takes turns rolling the dice to determine their character’s next move. New property can be purchased on free squares, and rent must be paid if one lands on another player’s property. In addition to the real estate grid, there are also other squares (i.e. bank, shop, fortune teller, jail, hospital) offering interesting variables to the gameplay. Reasonable use of function cards also enhance strategy against other players.

Have fun playing Richman 10 with your friends and family! As a friendly reminder, if you're not prepared to lose friends over a board game, you're not playing hard enough…